Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Let's Riddle a Bit, Shall We??

Here is the riddle for the week. Try to solve without using the internet.

What grows down as it grows up?


Kathleen Ryan said...

a tree?

Anonymous said...

a carrot ?

Anonymous said...

No, not a tree or a carrot.

It does not grow in the ground.

Anonymous said...

How about a goose?

Anonymous said...

It is a goose!

He grows "down". Get it. DOWN.

Kathleen Ryan said...

Very punny! good one.

Anonymous said...

did someone gander at the internet?

Kathleen Ryan said...

That's a fowl thing to say about my mother! :)

Anonymous said...

I had heard the riddle before so so why would I have to go on the internet

Anonymous said...

it appears that we now have a gaggle of goose puns.

Kathleen Ryan said...


Anonymous said...

You guys are ruffling my feathers here...honk,honk... move on.