Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Is It Tuesday...AGAIN???

As a coat, I protect all things you have bought
But when rain is about, put me on not.

What am I?

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tuesday's Riddle

A potato's key tool, I have all the power.
I am generally used on the half or full hour.
If my cells were deceased or lost or the such,
My partner would only respond to your touch.

What am I?

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Pictures from Easter Weekend

Easter Eve we did some egg coloring.

"E" getting fancy with multiple colors.

"K" making a pink egg...her signature color.

"J" drawing a face on his egg.

The production team.

Kathy joins the fun.

The finished products. Very Egg-citing!

Easter Sunday at Mom and Dad's house.

Uncle Mike with "E", "K" & "J"

Posing with Uncle Bob and Auntie Dawn

Looks who is sitting on the back of the couch.

Everyone smile!

Kathy and the kiddies.

It was a nice day out, so we hid eggs in my parent's yard.

"J" counting them up.

"K" on the hunt.

"E" found one.

Checking the treasures.

The five of us "kids" doing the traditional stair picture.

"A" on the look out for more eggs.

"D" finds an egg.

Checking the loot!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Riddle Riddle

I rise, I fall.
You can touch me,
But you don't want to carry me.
You can shoot me,
But I most certainly won't die.

What am I?

Monday, April 6, 2009

Try This Riddle

Different lights do make me strange,
thus into different sizes I will change.

What am I?

HINT: Think about a body part.