Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Riddle to Solve

Can you identify what the riddle is talking about?

Such manners!
They visit every single house
And wish to stay and eat.
When they get their food,
They tread it with their feet.
We wish these visitors would go away,
They don't say thank you,
They never pay
Please leave us alone!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A Riddle To Solve

Dies half its life
lives the rest.
Dances without music
breathes without breath

What is it?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Back to Riddling

I'm called a man,
But I'll never have a wife.
I was given a body,
But not given life.
They made me a mouth,
But I wasn't given breath.
Water gives body,
And sun gives me death.
What am I?

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Where is my staff?

Nobody showed up to work yesterday at the Lo-Down. Guess there was too much partying on the 4th of July. Hoping that there will be a riddle next Tuesday. Hate to loose my large viewing audience due to lack of riddles. Have a good week, see you next Tuesday. (I hope)


The Lo-Down