Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Today's Riddle

This is an old European riddle from 1300-1900 AD.

He who lacks it seeks it,
He who has it mistreats it.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Movie Review


I have mixed feelings about this Coen brother's movie. The cast was great, George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Frances McDormad & John Malkovich. The plot was ok enough, and it delivered quite a few laughs. The film was about how a disc that was found in a health club set off a chain reaction that affected the lives of many characters.

The trouble I had was with how it ended. Instead of getting to see the final results of the lives of a number of important characters, we were just "told" what happened in a conversation between two minor characters. Cheap. The movie could have delivered but totally dropped the ball.

Despite the humor, this was not at all a happy, light hearted film. It was pretty much a dark comedy, rated R for a reason, and I can not whole heartedly recommend it. Maybe as a rental. Has anyone else seen it? I like to get some other opinions.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Yesterday's riddle looks like a stumper, so here are a couple of hints.

The word I'm looking for starts with the letter E.

It's a term used to describe another being.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Due to the important birthday celebration yesterday, the weekly riddle is appearing today. Here it is:

Read my riddle, I pray.
What God never sees,
what the king seldom sees,
and what we see every day.
What is it?

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Monday, September 22, 2008

Ah, Autumn

My favorite season! Sweatshirt weather, football, baseball playoffs, leaves changing colors, pumpkins, Halloween, taffy-apples, Thanksgiving, candy corn...what's not to like? But my dear sister has never agreed. When I went to put up a post about Autumn quotes and pictures I signed on through her site. And there on Digressions, she beat me to the punch! She is trying to have a more positive attitude this year and reflected it in some quotes. So this one is just for her, hoping this fall will be her best!

Autumn is a second spring when every leaf's a flower.
--Albert Camus

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Movie Review

Mama Mia was a cute, fun movie musical that uses only Abba songs. Although the stage play was a much better and smoother production, this movie had it's moments of fun. It was very well cast and Meryl Streep took on her character with gusto.

The plot is about a 20 year old daughter of a free spirited mother (Streep) who doesn't know who her father is. They live on a small Greek island and run a weathered hotel. When reading her mother's diary from years past, she figures out it's one of three men and invites them all to her wedding to try to piece things together.

It is the type of musical where a character at any given moment can break out into song. The movie was a bit choppy at parts and dragged on somewhat, but overall it was entertaining. Not for everyone, but a good film for a girls night out.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Fun With Politics

The staff at the Lo-Down has been instructed to stay politically neutral, so I'm not sure how these pro-Palin cartoons got posted.


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Hint for the Riddle

Looks like yesterday's riddle is harder then expected. Here are some visual hints. (third image would just give it away.) If nobody gets it by today, I'll give you the letter it starts with.

It's a bird!
It's a plane!
It's a musician!
What is it?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Running Out of Good Riddles....

It's a bird!
It's a plane!
It's a musician!
What is it?

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Rock river

Last Sunday my friend Diane from work, her husband Mike and I went to our co-worker Jeff's house in Oregon, Illinois. The town is about 90 minutes west of where I live. They live very close to the Rock River. Jeff, his wife Molly, and their dog Charlie were wonderful hosts, treating us to lunch, a ride on their pontoon boat, and a tour of their town. Here are some pictures from the day:

The river is right across the street from their house and the boat is docked there.

Charlie really enjoyed being on the river.

We saw some interesting houses and boats.

Diane and I relaxed in the back.

Mike and Charlie kept an eye on things in the front.

Jeff captained the boat and Molly served us snacks.

There's a famous statue of an Indian you can see from the river.

Jeff and Molly on their front porch.

A local hotel has an old paddle boat to ride on for parties and dinner cruises.

We went to Lowden State Park where the statue is located up on the bluffs. The locals call him "Blackhawk" but he really isn't a representation of any particular person. He is supposed to represent all the Indians that lived in the area.

Another lovely day!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Golf Outing

Last Saturday was the golf outing from my Dad's club. (The 327th Military Police Battalion NCO Association) I think it was the 37th annual outing. I played with my Dad and brothers Tom and Mike. My goal was to come home with the women's Longest Drive Trophy. I choked the last couple of years and was determined to bring the honor home. The result of my attempt will be disclosed at the bottom of this blog. Here are some pictures from the day.

Our foursome: Mike, Me, Tom and Dad

Dad scoping things out for his next shot.

Relaxing in the carts between holes.

Concentrating for that perfect shot.

What a wonderful day.

I did it! Here is the trophy I took home for the women's longest drive. Phew...no choking this year.