Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Riddle Time Just Because

When you are high I am low,
when you are low I am high,
if you stay still so shall I.

What am I?

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Running out of Riddles

I contain faces of different colors,
for fun they get mixed with one another.
It's easy for them to hang outside their 'race'
but it's quite tricky to put them back in their place.
With time and patience it can be done,
but to mix them up again is way more fun.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Short and Simple Riddle

What turns everything around but does not move?

Hint: It's an object, not a concept.

It's all over the place, (almost every home).

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What happened to Tuesday

I forgot to post a riddle yesterday. oops.
Here is one for you to figure out today instead.

Most apt riddler, by lore explain.
Why you collect me for a game.
You might carve me up deftly.
But when lost I am you'll see,
I'll make you feel like you're insane.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Bonus Riddle For This Week

Sometimes you're surrounded by my solid make.

Designed that my contents, less likely to break.

Within me and of me you see things worth keeping,

and be looked upon, your feelings a leaping.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

March on to a Riddle

The sun bakes them,
the hand breaks them,
the foot treads on them,
and the mouth tastes them.

What are they?