Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Weekly Riddle

Before I get to the RIDDLE OF THE WEEK I would like to wish my brother Bob a very happy birthday today! (Dawn, let him know, I don't think he reads my blog).

Will Anonymous win out again this week???? Let's get to it.

It stands on one leg with it's heart in it's head.

What is it?


Kathleen Ryan said...

lamp post?

Anonymous said...

No, not a lamp post, but that was an interesting guess. It does fit, but I'm looking for a different answer.

Kathleen Ryan said...


Kathleen Ryan said...

a lowercase i, dotted by a fifth grade girl :)?

Anonymous said...

Not a tree, or a lower case i. I do like how your mind works!

Kathleen Ryan said...

:) i was kidding about the i...can you tell i'm at lunch?

Anonymous said...

I still like the i.
Hope you're having a good lunch.

Anonymous said...

I still like the i.
Hope you're having a good lunch.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps a cabbage.

Kathleen Ryan said...


Anonymous said...

how about celery

Anonymous said...

Raspy got it!!

The answer is a cabbage.

Ok Raspy, I thought this one was going to be hard. I'm going to really have to work on a difficult one for next week.

All very interesting answers today.
Hope you have fun (I know you did Raspy).

Anonymous said...

You sure are smart Raspy.
You must be related

Kathleen Ryan said...

I am not one to challenge the riddle gods but...

Please view this

Furthermore, as seen in this scientific photo, cabbages clearly have two legs:

like so
And they are also scardy cats.
Just kidding. Nice Job Raspy, had you not said cabbage I may not have come up with artichoke.

Anonymous said...

But doesn't that cabbage cartoon guy have an ARTIFICIAL leg? So the other veggies don't make fun of him??

(by the way, artichoke was a good answer too!)

Kathleen Ryan said...

nah, no one says "a head of artichoke"

Anonymous said...

But there's not much witty banter going around nowadays regarding hearts of cabbage either!

Anonymous said...

did you know pumpkin head (close to cabbage head) in spanish is calabaza cabeza

Anonymous said...

It's said that you learn something new every day, and I just did.

Now if I'm walking down the street and someone shouts "hey calabaza cabeza", I know they're not talking to me......right? :)