Monday, January 7, 2008

Movie Monday

Here are some mini-movie reviews to catch up on my holiday viewings:

A harmless Disney "princess" movie that starts out as a cartoon and then morphs into real life New York. It was cute enough, but could have been edgier. The best scene was when the princess summoned woodland creatures to help her clean up an apartment (ala Snow White...La La La, Ah Ah Ah). Instead of cute critters showing up, urban vermin did. The cockroaches were quite the special touch. The film was slow at times, but a good family flick.

P.S. I Love You

This movie was much better then I expected. I thought it would be the typical "chick flick" but it had a touching love story that used unique flash backs to tell it's tale. The cast contained three actors(Gerald Butler, Harry Connick Jr. and Jeffrey Dean Morgan) that qualify for "hubba hubba" bonus points, so for you ladies, the movie is worth it just for that. The scenes in Ireland were beautiful. Some goofy parts, but as a whole, a decent movie.

National Treasure: Book of Secrets
If you are expecting any type of a plausible, realistic plot, you're sadly mistaken. This sequel should be viewed for what it was made for, high energy entertainment the shouldn't be questioned about the plethora of plot holes and impossible scenarios. Nicholas Cage was fun to watch.Some boring parts, but if you take it lightly, you'll enjoy it.

Can't think of one negative thing to say about this movie. From the soundtrack, to the screen play, to the was superb. You may wonder how can a movie about a pregnant high school girl be touching and funny? You just have to see it to understand. One of the very best movies of 2007.


Anonymous said...

To judge your movie taste I need to ask you to name your all time favorite movie please

Anonymous said...

Ok, I'll work on that. I'm currently compiling my "BEST OF 2007" list of movies.

Anonymous said...

Harry Connick Jr was last on the list because of his lack of an Irish accent. Jimmy and I really enjoyed it!