Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Riddle of the Week

I can't stop anyone from Googling or using other internet searches, but let's be on the honor system and try to solve the riddles without doing do. Brain power!

Here is this week's riddle:

What do you throw out when you want to use it, but take in when you don't want to use it?


Anonymous said...

Your trash

Kathleen Ryan said...

fishing hook?

hi cousin! which cousin?

Anonymous said...

a fishing lure ?

Kathleen Ryan said...

or a net!

Kathleen Ryan said...

not annette... a fishing net

Anonymous said...

All interesting answers, but it is not trash, a fishing hook, a fishing lure, a net (or Annette).

You're on the right track with the fishing/net (hint: water) guesses.

Anonymous said...

a life preserver?

Anonymous said...

bath water?

Anonymous said...

Not a life preserver or bath water.

Good guesses.

Stay with the aquatic thoughts!

Anonymous said...

A sprinkler?

Anonymous said...

How about an anchor?

Anonymous said...

Not a sprinkler, but it is an ANCHOR!

Nice going Mom!

A lot of good guesses today. Good job faithful readers!

Anonymous said...

i think someone visited google.

Anonymous said...

I did not visit google