Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Here it is.

It fell from a star,
But not very far.
It seems to fly
Above you and I.
Look further down to see
Cousin Jay below us three.
Jump down further to see an empty space.
Tell me what "it" is, and where is this place?


Kathleen Ryan said...

Is it a space bar on a keyboard?

Anonymous said...

The answer is NOT a space bar on a keyboard.

Try again.

Anonymous said...

How about the #8 on the keyboard

Anonymous said...

I am a bit late with the #8

Kathleen Ryan said...

dang it, i read it too fast. it's gotta be 8. nice job annon.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous did great

And was correct with #8,

Yes Mom you're indeed late,

Next time don't wait.

(Look at the keyboard, it'll make sense to those who were stumped)

Anonymous said...

welcome back anonymous. Where have you been? We missed you

Kathleen Ryan said...

post please?