Friday, December 7, 2007

Word of the Week

Here is this week's word. Memorize it. Use it in a sentence. Impress your friends. Have fun with the word of the week, it needs some excitement in its life!


quo·tid·i·an /kwoʊˈtɪdiən/ [kwoh-tid-ee-uhn]


1. daily: a quotidian report.
2. usual or customary; everyday: quotidian needs.
3. ordinary; commonplace: paintings of no more than quotidian artistry.
4. (of a fever, ague, etc.) characterized by paroxysms that recur daily.
–noun 5. something recurring daily.
6. a quotidian fever or ague.

[Origin: 1300–50; < L quotīdiānus, cottīdiānus daily, equiv. to cottīdi(é) every day (adv.) (*quot(t)ī a locative form akin to quot however many occur, every + dié, abl. of diés day; cf. meridian) + -ānus -an; r. ME cotidien < OF < L, as above]

—Related forms
quo·tid·i·an·ly, adverb
quo·tid·i·an·ness, noun

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