Friday, November 30, 2007

Word of the Week

This week's word is:


be·lie /bɪˈlaɪ/ [bi-lahy]

–verb (used with object), -lied, -ly·ing.

1. to show to be false; contradict: His trembling hands belied his calm voice.
2. to misrepresent: The newspaper belied the facts.
3. to act unworthily according to the standards of (a tradition, one's ancestry, one's faith, etc.).
4. Archaic. to lie about; slander.

[Origin: bef. 1000; ME belyen, OE beléogan. See be-, lie1]

—Related forms
be·li·er, noun

—Synonyms 1. refute, disprove, controvert, repudiate, confute, gainsay. 1, 2. See misrepresent.
—Antonyms 1. prove, verify, support.

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